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Children need to know that they are loved unconditionally and they sense this with their heart.
We all need to feel safe. Children, in particular, are vulnerable to words, sounds, energy and vibrations all around them.
They need to feel connected – connected to their main carer/s, family, extended family, friends, pets, home, environment, and community. The stronger they feel connected, the stronger they will be able to develop a sense of who they are – a ‘sense of self’ as they develop their own 'words of wisdom'.
Self-care is looking after yourself first in order to ensure that you are functioning at 100% physically, psychologically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually in all areas of your life including your relationships and work.
The World Health Organisation’s definition of self-care is “the ability of individuals, families and communities to promote health, prevent disease, maintain health, and to cope with illness and disability with or without the support of a health-care provider.”
One of the major tools for parents is Self-care and this ensures that you avoid burn-out, reduce stress, avoid illness, maintain social interactions and avoid isolation and loneliness as you draw on your own 'words of wisdom'.
The Earth’s energy enriches one’s physiology by allowing the body to cope and repair.
Grounding improves sleep and promotes a deeper sleep,
increases energy and vitality
It lowers stress and promotes calmness in the body by cooling down the nervous system and stress hormones
Allowing children to participate in 'grounding' activities such as playing in the dirt, at the beach, in the garden, at the park etc. helps boost their immune system, lesson allergies, feel more energised and relaxed.
Fear can be one of our greatest strengths if we choose to understand the message behind it.
Fear is necessary when our lives are in danger – it is a warning to us.
However, fear can become out of hand and irrational. If we continually avoid situations where we feel uncomfortable we risk the possibility of fear ruling our lives.
We need to face our fears or be rid of our fears as we draw on our own internal words of wisdom, and it is in doing this that we truly discover our strengths.
Don't hold onto anger, hurt or pain.
They steal your energy and keep you from love.
- Leo Buscaglia
Anger is an emotion that we have all experienced. The trick is to not let it control us, nor to manage anger with anger.
If anger is allowed to simmer internally it will create an imbalance in our bodies.
One of the strategies for children to help with behavioural issues.